Grant history
Explore to learn more about community investments made since 2016.
Results will include grants made by Point32Health Foundation as well as our heritage organizations (Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation and Tufts Health Plan Foundation).
Showing results 1041 - 1050 of 1179
Healthy Food Access
The Theatre Offensive
(Boston, Massachusetts)Support for healthy eating program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy AgingMomentum Fund
The Towers Foundation
(New Haven, Connecticut)Klaatch Model: To engage a training and support model called Klaatch to reduce loneliness in low-income and minority older adult communities. A Momentum Fund grant for early-stage age-friendly and/or dementia-friendly work. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.
Healthy AgingPolicy and Advocacy
The Trust for Public Land
(Boston, Massachusetts)Ensure the voices of diverse older people are included in the planning and design of a new park in the Grove Hall neighborhood of Boston. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.
Healthy Food Access
The University of Rhode Island Feinstein Center for a Hunger-Free America
(Kingston, Rhode Island)Support a model to address the needs of college students experiencing food insecurity at the University of Rhode Island and other state colleges.
Healthy Food Access
The Urban Farming Institute of Boston, Inc.
(Mattapan, Massachusetts)To support the Urban Farming Institute book talk. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy Food Access
The Urban Farming Institute of Boston, Inc.
(Mattapan, Massachusetts)Growing, planting, and harvesting food with youth to distribute a portion to seniors and families in need. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
COVID-19 Response Grants
The Urban Farming Institute of Boston, Inc.
(Mattapan, Massachusetts)Healthy Food Fund – COVID-19 relief grant. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy Aging
The Village Common of Rhode Island
(Statewide, Rhode Island)Expand the Village Common’s statewide reach by increasing volunteer coordination, strengthening the network and increasing the number of older adults with access to a “village” for support.
COVID-19 Response Grants
The Way Home
(Manchester, New Hampshire)Community-Based Organization Response to COVID-19 Grant Program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy Food Access
Three Sisters Garden Project
(Essex County, Massachusetts)Increase access to healthy, culturally relevant food for people with lower incomes in Essex County, to include distribution of free and sliding scale Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares and promotion of Healthy Incentive Program (HIP).