
Award date



Focus Area

Grant history

Explore to learn more about community investments made since 2016.

Results will include grants made by Point32Health Foundation as well as our heritage organizations (Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation and Tufts Health Plan Foundation).

Showing results 101 - 110 of 1179

Healthy Food Access

Boys & Girls Clubs of Boston

(Boston, Massachusetts)

2020|$50,000|One year

To support the Farm to Family and Produce Spotlight initiative. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Boys & Girls Clubs of Portland

(Portland, Maine)

2020|$10,000|One year

COVID-19 relief grant. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Boys and Girls Club of Southern Maine

(Portland, Maine)

2020|$5,000|One year

Covid-19 relief grant. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Boys Town New England

(Providence, Rhode Island)

2020|$10,000|One year

Momentum Fund support to address community needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.

Healthy Food Access

Brass City Harvest

(Waterbury, Connecticut)

2016|$135,000|Three years

To increase consumer demand for fresh food through cooking and nutrition courses for 100 WIC clients in Greater Waterbury, and engaging local corner stores in a Healthy Corner Initiative. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Bread of Life

(Malden, Massachusetts)

2020|$10,000|One year

Community-Based Organization Response to COVID-19 Grant Program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Breaktime United, Inc.

(Boston, Massachusetts)

2020|$10,000|One year

Momentum Fund support to address community needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.

Changing Inequitable SystemsHealthy Aging

Bridges Together

(Sudbury, Massachusetts)

2016|$144,657|Three years

Building Intergenerational Bridges in 45 Communities: To expand to 45 communities this intergenerational program that places older adult volunteers in school classrooms across the state. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Bridgton Academy

(North Brighton, Maine)

2020|$10,000|One year

Community-Based Organization Response to COVID-19 Grant Program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.

COVID-19 Response Grants

Brockton Area Multi-Service, Inc.

(Brockton, Massachusetts)

2020|$10,000|One year

Grant Program for Agencies Serving Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.