Grant history
Explore to learn more about community investments made since 2016.
Results will include grants made by Point32Health Foundation as well as our heritage organizations (Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation and Tufts Health Plan Foundation).
Showing results 51 - 60 of 1179
COVID-19 Response Grants
Backyard Growers
(Gloucester , Massachusetts)Grant Program for Agencies Serving Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy Food Access
Backyard Growers
(Gloucester, Massachusetts)To strengthen the community garden program located at McPherson Park, and to create new gardening opportunities for older adults at the Sheedy Building, in downtown Gloucester. The six-week session, designed to help older adults make healthy food choices, will include daily activities such as gardening, where older adults will work together or in a multi-age environment to prepare shared meals. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Special Programs
(Boston, Massachusetts)Recommended by Prism, the LGBTQ and allies BRG: To support Health Education and Risk Reduction Team (HEARRT), a program that educates and trains LGBTQ+ youth about mental and physical health. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.
COVID-19 Response Grants
Bangor YMCA
(Bangor, Maine)Community-Based Organization Response to COVID-19 Grant Program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy Food Access
Bath Housing Corporation
(Bath, Maine)Cooking collaborative with Midcoast Health Access Health program, Bath YMCA youth program, and Bath Housing Development (BHCD) to offer healthy cooking classes with produce grown in the BHCD senior/youth community garden. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy Food Access
Bay Cove Human Services, Inc.
(Boston, Massachusetts)To pilot a six-week intergenerational cooking class designed to teach older adults and their families how to integrate fresh, local produce from the farmers’ market into their daily meals. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
COVID-19 Response Grants
Bay Cove Human Services, Inc. (DBA Kit Clark Senior Services)
(Boston, Massachusetts)Community-Based Organization Response to COVID-19 Grant Program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
COVID-19 Response Grants
Behavioral Health and Developmental Services of Strafford County
(Dover, New Hampshire)Grant Program for Agencies Serving Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.
Healthy AgingMomentum Fund
Benjamin Church Senior Center, Inc.
(Bristol, Rhode Island)Three-Part Alzheimer’s Disease Informational Series (for Community, Care Givers, and Healthcare Workers): To provide more information about Alzheimer’s Disease for members of the Benjamin Church Senior Center as well as community partners. A Momentum Fund grant for early-stage age-friendly and/or dementia-friendly work. Tufts Health Plan Foundation grant.
COVID-19 Response Grants
Berkshire County Arc
(Pittsfield, Massachusetts)Community-Based Organization Response to COVID-19 Grant Program. Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation grant.