2016 Annual report
Making communities great places to grow up and grow old.
The report
Tufts Health Plan Annual Report 2016
We’re taking a new approach to the annual report this year, sharing audio so you can hear from the people who matter most. Listen to find out more about what we support and advocate for.
Brenda's story
In a city like Boston, many residents form deep attachments to their neighbors and their neighborhoods. But staying in the place you’ve lived your life can be a complex undertaking. Brenda, who just finished a degree in gerontology, knows what that’s like.
Dorothy's story
When Dorothy was younger, she worked as a health aide at Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly in Brighton. She came to know how the senior living center worked. When it was time for her to find a place to live, her feelings were clear about where she wanted to land.
Thelma and Ezekiel's story
When 80-year-old Ezekiel began to have heart problems, the health insurance system seemed impossible to navigate. After he and his wife Thelma found The Latino Health Insurance Program in Framingham, the staff helped the couple complete all their paperwork, then invited them to nutrition and balance classes, and a diabetic club. As Ezekiel says, “todo,” Everything.