Point32Health Foundation: In the news
Recent stories about grantees, the Foundation and our community investments.
2025 Media coverage
- Derrick White (Boston Celtics) Instagram | March 12 | Special Olympics of Massachusetts Polar Plunge
- Massachusetts Public Health Alliance | February 20 | The Alliance Monthly: February Newsletter
- Berlin Daily Sun | February 4 | Mental illness alliance receives grant
- Philanthropy Massachusetts Members InfoNet | January 31 | Philanthropy was Built for this Moment (no link available)
- Watertown News | January 8 | 25th Watertown Unity Breakfast to be Held on MLK Day, Tickets Available
- Boston Spirit | December 26 | Equality Fund at the Boston Foundation receives $1M grant from Point32Health Foundation
- Manchester Ink Link | December 23 | New Hampshire Center for Justice & Equity Receives $500,000 grant from Point32Health Foundation
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | December 19 | Harvard Pilgrim Health Care and Tufts Health Plan Announce $15 Million in Social and Racial Justice Grants from its Philanthropic Arm, the Point32Health Foundation
- MassNonprofitNews | December 18 | Point32Health Foundation provides $6.5M million in social and racial justice grants to Mass. nonprofits
- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy | December 13 | Point32Health Foundation Commits $15M to Advance Social Equity Across New England
- Executive Office of Health and Human Services | November 20 | Robin Lipson Appointed Secretary of Elder Affairs
- Age Friendly Rhode Island | November 19 | Point32Health Named One of Rhode Island’s Most Charitable Companies
- Philanthropy Massachusetts Members InfoNet | November 17 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $45,000 to Nine Nonprofit Organizations (no link available)
- The Canton Citizen | November 15 | Point32Health Supports Alzheimer’s Association (no link available)
- Providence Business News | October 25 | Point32Health Ranked #4 in PBN Giving Guide 2024 (subscription required)
- MassLive | October 21 | Business Monday ETC: Oct. 21, 2024
- Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship | October 12 | Point32Health Foundation recently announced grants totaling $230,000 to support nonprofit organizations in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
- MassNonprofitNews | September 26 | Point32Health Foundation awards $230,000 to support civic engagement and equity in aging
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | September 26 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $230,000 in Grants to Community Organizations in the Region for Civic Engagement and Equity in Aging
- PR Newswire | September 24 | Point32Health Foundation awards $230,000 in grants to community organizations in the region for civic engagement and equity in aging
- BusinessWest.com | September 25 | Food Bank Receives $50,000 from Point32Health Foundation
- Worcester Guardian | September 15 | MABVI Secures $300K to Support Age-Friendly Communities
- Boston Business Journal | September 6 | Largest Corporate Charitable Contributors in Massachusetts (subscription required)
- Business West | August 29 | Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Receives $50,000 from Point32Health Foundation
- The Reminder | August 27 | Way Finders Grant to Further Digital Equity and Advocacy Work
- ABLE NH | August 15 | ABLE NH Receives $75,000 from Point32Health Foundation
- Daily Hampshire Gazette | August 13 | Way Finders Lands $285K to Further Digital Equity in Holyoke
- Penobscot Bay Press | August 8 | Healthy Peninsula Receives $100,000 from Point32Health Foundation
- Easterseals | July 30 | TeamWork Makes Our Dream Work at The Bridge Center (no link available)
- Philanthropy Mass | July 26 | Point32Health Foundation Awards Nearly $3 million to 31 Nonprofits in Region (no link available)
- Fox Bangor |July 23 | Healthy Peninsula Receives $100k Grant to Support Aging Mainers
- MassNonprofitNews| July 18 | Point32Health Foundation Awards Nearly $3 Million to 31 Nonprofits
- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy| July 18 | Point32Health Foundation Awards Nearly $3 Million to 31 Nonprofits in the Region
- Boston Business Journal | July 18 | Mary Skelton Roberts Hired at Philanthropy Massachusetts
- Boston Business Journal | July 16 | Grant Welker | BBJ Announces the State’s Most Charitable Companies
- News from the Friends of the Columbia Greenway Rail Trail | July 16 | Thank you to Volunteers from Point32Health (no link available)
- Hopkinton Today| June 26 | Photo of the Day
- Woodbridge Town News| June 20 | Point32Health Makes a Difference: Over 1,900 Colleagues Volunteer 5,400+ Hours During Annual Volunteer Week
- The Bay State Banner | June 19 | Beth Chandler creates and expands equitable environments in Boston
- Philanthropy Mass | June 13 | Beth Chandler to Join Point32Health Foundation as Director of Community Investments (no link available)
- New England Council | June 4 | Point32Health [Foundation] Names New Director of Community Investments
- WBUR | June 3 | Beth Chandler to Become Director of Community Investments for Point32Health [Foundation] (no link available)
- Boston Business Journal | May 31 | Grant Welker | YW Boston CEO Beth Chandler Departing to Join Health Insurance Foundation (subscription required)
- WABI 5 | May 28 | Grace Bradley | State Organizations Talk Housing Shortage During 2024 Health Care Forum
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | May 22 | Point32Health Recognized as One of the Most Community-Minded Organizations in the Country
- MassNonprofitNews | May 22 | Point32Health Named to The Civic 50 for its Corporate Citizenship
- Boston Herald | May 17 | Opinion: Simons and Rosenthal: Take Middleman Out of Charitable Giving (subscription required)
- Philanthropy Mass | May 17 | Point32Health Recognized as one of the Most Community-Minded Organizations in the Country (no link available)
- Wall Street Online | May 14 | Top 50 Companies Donate More Than $1.5 Billion and Engage Employees in 6.5 Million Hours of Volunteering
- PR Newswire | May 14 | Top 50 Companies Donate More than $1.5 Billion and Engage Employees in 6.5 Million Hours of Volunteering
- Points of Light | May 14 | Top 50 Companies Donate More than $1.5 Billion and Engage Employees in 6.5 Million Hours of Volunteering
- MassNonprofitNews | May 13 | Equity in Aging and 2025 Grantmaking Webinar Hosted by Point32Health Foundation
- Alliance for Healthy Aging | May 8 | Point32Health Foundation 2025 Grantmaking Info Session (no link available)
- BusinessWest.com | April 25 | Joseph Bednar | Bay Path Program Addresses Productive Aging
- Manchester Ink Link| April 24 | Point32Health Foundation Announces $2 Million in Grants to 20 Nonprofit Organizations
- WHDH 7News | April 20 | Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition Receives $100,000 Grant from Point32Health Foundation (no link available)
- Philanthropy MA | April 19 | Point32Health Foundation Announces $2 Million in Grants to 20 Nonprofit Organizations (no link available)
- Westfair Business Journal | April 18 | Point32Health Foundation Provides $200,000 Grant to Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
- RI News Today | April 16 | RI Nonprofits Share in Point32Health Foundation Grants for Equity in Aging, Social and Racial Justice
- Age Friendly Rhode Island | April 16 | Point32Health Foundation Announces $2 Million in Grants to 20 Nonprofit Organizations
- Grantmakers in Health | April 15 | Philanthropy @ Work
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | April 11 | Point32Health Foundation Announces $2 Million in Grants to 20 Nonprofit Organizations
- MassNonprofitNews | April 9 | Point32Health Foundation Provides $2M in Grants to 20 Nonprofits
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | March 22 | Point32Health Commits more than $1.5 Million as Part of White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthier Communities (no link available)
- MassNonprofitNews | March 20 | Point32Health Commits more than $1.5 Million for White House Challenge to End Hunger
- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy | March 20 | Point32Health commits more than $1.5 million as part of White House Challenge to End Hunger and Build Healthier Communities
February 2024
- Daily Hampshire Gazette | February 21 | Grow Food Secures $230K in Grants to Support Core Operations
- Candid/Philanthropy News Digest | February 20 | Grow Food Secures $230K in Grants to Support Core Operations
- NPQ | February 19 | Tiffany Benjamin and Tom Kamber | Investing in Digital Literacy to Better the Health of America’s [Older People]
- CTNewsJunkie | February 5 | Christine Stuart | Food-As-Medicine Model Empowering Pregnant Latina Women
- Social Capital Inc. | February 2 | 2024 SCI Idealist Celebration
January 2024
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | January 26 | Phillip González Appointed as President and CEO of the MetroWest Health Foundation (no link available)
- Bangor Daily News| January 24 | OUT Maine receives $5,000 grant from Point32Health Foundation
- Boston Spirit Magazine| January 24 | OUT Maine Awarded $5K from New England’sPoint32Health Foundation (subscription required)
- Hartford Patch| January 23 | Hartford Program Provides Fruits/Veggies to Young Latina Mothers
- Lincoln County News| January 18 | Hearty Roots Granted Multi-Year Support from Point32Health Foundation
- Boothbay Register| January 18 | Hearty Roots Granted Multi-Year Support from Point32Health Foundation
- Wiscasset Newspaper| January 18 | Hearty Roots Granted Multi-Year Support from Point32Health Foundation
- MassNonprofitNews| January 16 | MetroWest Health Foundation Hires Phillip González as New CEO
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | January 12 | Eight Nonprofit Organizations Receive $40,000 from Point32Health Foundation: Collaboration with Colleague Resource Groups Advances Equity (no link available)
- Providence Business News | January 3 | Farm Fresh Rhode Island Receives New Van from Lions Club Fundraising
December 2023
- WABI 5 | December 28 | Grace Bradley | SKILLS, Inc. Awarded $100 Thousand, Expands Employment and Housing Programs
- Kennebec Journal and Morning Sentinel | December 28 | St. Albans Nonprofit Receives $100K Grant
- Philanthropy News Digest | December 27 | St. Albans Nonprofit Receives $100K Grant
- Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship: Makers, Shakers and Impact Makers | December 23 | Companies Closing Out 2023 with Caring
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | December 21 | 58 Community Organizations Receive Nearly $6 Million in Grants from Point32Health Foundation
- Age Friendly Rhode Island | December 19 | 58 Community Organizations Receive Nearly $6 Million in Grants from Point32Health Foundation
- Harvard Health Publishing | December 19 | Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is Rising
- Greater Lynn Senior Services Community Connection | December 18 | Phoenix Food Hub Celebrates Success and Collaboration at One-Year Anniversary Party (no link available)
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | December 15 | 58 Community Organizations Receive Nearly $6 Million in Grants from Point32Health Foundation (no link available)
- Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust | December 14 | Point32Health to Partner with Pocasset Pokanoket Land Trust on Indigenous Food Sovereignty Initiative
- Yahoo! Finance | December 14 | 58 Community Organizations Receive Nearly $6 Million in Grants from Point32Health Foundation
- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy | December 14 | 58 Community Organizations Receive Nearly $6 Million in Grants from Point32Health Foundation
- MassNonprofitNews | December 14 | Point32Health Foundation Provides $6 Million in Grants to 58 Organizations to Address Health Inequities
- PR Newswire | December 14 | 58 Community Organizations Receive Nearly $6 Million in Grants from Point32Health Foundation
- MassNonprofitNews | December 13 | The Arc Tank 5.0 Awards $247K to Improve Lives of People with Disabilities or Autism
November 2023
- WBZ | November 27 | Paul Burton | Brockton Nonprofit, Pinnacle Partnership, Helps Families Raise Kids with Mental Health Needs
- GBH | November 22 | Massachusetts Food Pantries Seeing More Need Than Ever, Asking for Help
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | November 10 | Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases ReiMAgine Aging, a Podcast Highlighting Massachusetts as a National Leader in the Age- and Dementia-Friendly Movement (no link available)
October 2023
- Gerontology Institute Blog | October 31 | Coyle Featured in Podcast Highlighting Age-Friendly Movement in Massachusetts
- Newport This Week | October 27 | Newport Senior and Caregiver Resource Fair
- Providence Business News | October 25 | Point32Health Ranked #1 in PBN Giving Guide 2023
- Massachusetts Municipal Association | October 25 | New Podcast Highlights Mass. as Age- and Dementia-Friendly Leader
- Jamaica Plain Gazette | October 21 | JP’s Skelton Roberts Appointed to MBTA Board of Directors
- Manchester Ink Link | October 19 | Manchester NAACP Announces ‘Healing Circles’ Initiative
- Grantmakers In Aging | October 18 | Point32Health Foundation Recognized Today with 2023 John Feather Equity in Aging Award
- Cranston Herald | October 18 | Ed Kdonian | From the Inside of Alzheimer’s
- Grantmakers in Health | October 18 | Philanthropy @ Work
- Aging Services Network News | October 16 | EOEA Releases Podcast Highlighting the Age- and Dementia-Friendly Movement (no link available)
- K1times | October 16 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts Across New England
- Providence Business News | October 15 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts Across New England
- Business NH | October 13 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts Across New England
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | October 13 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts Across New England (no link available)
- AgeSpan | October 12 | Listen: Making Connections Through Meals
- US Updates | October 12 | Massachusetts Organizations Receive $250,000 from Point32Health for Local Food Justice Initiatives
- US Updates | October 12 | Local Age- and Dementia-Friendly Initiatives Highlighted in New ReiMAgine Aging Podcast by Healey-Driscoll Administration
- HCN healthcare News | October 11 | Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases ReiMAgine Aging Podcast
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | October 11 | Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases ReiMAgine Aging, a Podcast Highlighting Massachusetts as a National Leader in the Age- and Dementia-Friendly Movement
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | October 11 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts Across New England
- Maine Philanthropy Center | October 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts across New England
- Yahoo Finance | October 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts across New England
- Philanthropy News Digest | October 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts across New England
- MassNonprofitNews | October 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts across New England
- Baker City Herald | October 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts across New England
- hoodline | October 10 | Massachusetts Unveils ReiMAgine Aging Podcast, A Platform Advocating Age- and Dementia-Friendly Living
- EIN Newswires | October 10 | Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases ReiMAgine Aging, a Podcast Highlighting Massachusetts as a National Leader in the Age- and Dementia-Friendly Movement
- Mass.gov | October 10 | Healey-Driscoll Administration Releases ReiMAgine Aging, a Podcast Highlighting Massachusetts as a National Leader in the Age- and Dementia-Friendly Movement
- PR Newswire | October 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $750,000 to Food Justice Efforts across New England
September 2023
- Jamaica Plain News | September 29 | Mayor Wu Names Jamaica Plain Resident (and Regular 39 Bus Rider) to MBTA Board of Directors
- Boston.gov | September 25 | Mayor Michelle Wu Appoints Mary Skelton Roberts to the MBTA Board of Directors
- Grantmakers In Aging | September 20 | Conference Highlights (no link available)
- MassNonprofitNews | September 16 | Amplify LatinX honors 100 Latinx leaders to kick of Hispanic Heritage Month
- Lowell Sun | September 15 | Nora Moreno Cargie | Opinion: Free School Lunches a Great Start, But Just a Start
- Sentinel and Enterprise | September 15 | Nora Moreno Cargie | Opinion: Free School Lunches a Great Start, But Just a Start
- Boston Business Journal | September 15 | Amplify LatinX Announces 100 Latino Leaders in Inaugural ALX100 Awards (subscription required)
- Boston Globe | September 14 | Amplify LatinX: Honoring 100 Change-Making Leaders Across Massachusetts (subscription required)
- MassNonprofitNews | September 12 | Massachusetts’ Top Corporate Givers Ranked in Boston Business Journal’s Annual List
- Boston Business Journal | September 8 | Here Are the 2022 Rankings of the Most Charitable Companies in Mass.(subscription required)
- Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship | September 2 | Companies Fighting Hunger Across the U.S. and Abroad
August 2023
- JGPR | August 24 | Town of Marion Begins Efforts to Become a Dementia Friendly America Massachusetts Community
- MassLive | August 8 | Cliff Clark | Southwick Working Toward Being Designated a Dementia Friendly Community
July 2023
- The Grapevine | July 31 | Master Gardeners Beautify the Bike Trail in Westfield (no link available)
June 2023
- The Rockefeller Foundation | June 30 | Philanthropic Joint Statement in Response to the Supreme Court’s Decision in ‘Students for Fair Admissions’ Cases
- Ford Foundation | June 29 | Philanthropic Joint Statement in Response to the Supreme Court’s Decision in ‘Students for Fair Admissions’ Cases
- mHealth Intelligence | June 26 | Mark Melchionna | Funding Supports School-Based Telehealth Services in NY Statehttps://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/philanthropic-joint-statement-in-response-to-the-supreme-courts-decision-in-students-for-fair-admissions-cases/
- Wayfinders | June 23 | One-Stop Digital Literacy Class for Older Adults: “It’s About Respect for Your Elders”
- Gloucester Daily Times | June 17 | Stephen Hagan | Rockport Students Join ‘Dementia Friendly’ Campaign
May 2023
- The Maine Monitor | May 27 | Kristi Eaton| Behavioral Teletherapy for Students in Rural Maine brings ‘Hope to the Hallways’
- Government Technology | May 26 | Brandon Paykamian | Maine School District Expands Teletherapy for Students
- Boston Globe | May 15 | Alexa Gagosz | R.I.’s Older Adult Population is Growing, but Services Aren’t Meeting Rising Demand, New Program Says
- The Daily Yonder | May 15 | Kristi Eaton | Behavioral Teletherapy for Students in Rural Maine Brings ‘Hope to the Hallways’
- AARP | May 12 | Dalan Hwang | Fare-Free and Low-Cost ‘Age-Friendly’ Transportation Options
- Boston Globe | May 4 | Cassandra Dumay | How Urban Farmers are Changing their Practices as Warmer Winters and Erratic Storms Threaten Crops (subscription required)
April 2023
- Newtown Bee | April 21 | Age Well Collaborative Presenting First-Ever Wellspring Awards (no link available)
- The Calais Advertiser | April 17 | Natalie Boomer | Woodland Jr./Sr. High School Fights Food Insecurity with New Food Pantry (no link available)
- Insurance Weekly News | April 14 | Point32Health; Behavioral Health Teletherapy Program Supports Elementary and Junior-Senior High School Students in Rural Washington County, Maine (no link available)
- The Quoddy Tides | April 14 | Behavioral Health Teletherapy Program Supports Elementary and Junior-Senior High School Students in Rural Washington County, Maine (no link available)
- mHealth Intelligence | April 10 | Mark Melchionna | Program Aims to Provide School-Based, Virtual Behavioral Healthcare
- PR Newswire | April 5 | Behavioral Health Teletherapy Program Supports Elementary and Junior-Senior High School Students in Rural Washington County, Maine
- Bangor Daily News | April 3 | Joyce Kryszak | Mainers Struggle to Find Therapists in the State’s ‘Forgotten County’
- Maine Monitor | April 1 | Joyce Kryszak | For Those in Need, In-Person Therapists Hard to Find
March 2023
- University of Rhode Island | March 27 | URI Feinstein Center for a Hunger Free America Receives Grant to Address On-Campus Food Insecurity
- Glastonbury Patch | March 27 | Chris Dehnel | Glastonbury Initiative Honored By Connecticut Age Well Collaborative
- The Bulletin | March 25 | Ginny Monk | Coalition Working on Plan to End Homelessness (no link available)
- Hartford Courant | March 22 | Ginny Monk | CT Service Providers Launch New Push to End Homelessness
- Providence Journal | March 21 | Wheeler Cowperwaite | Path to Salvation: Nonprofit Developer Seeks to Turn Cumberland Church into Affordable Housing (subscription required)
- Connecticut Mirror | March 21 | Ginny Monk | CT Service Providers Launch New Push to End Homelessness
- Grantmakers in Health | March 20 | Philanthropy @ Work
- MassNonprofitNews | March 17 | Sudders Joins Point32Health Foundation Board
- Boston Business Journal | March 16 | Marylou Sudders Joins Board of Canton Foundation
- State House News Service | March 16 | Marylou Sudders Joins Point32Health Foundation Board (subscription required)
- Politico | March 16 | Transitions
- Inside Philanthropy | March 13 | Closing Gaps: How This Boston-Based Fund Supports a Growing Latino Population (subscription required)
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | March 3 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $690,000 to Organizations Addressing Homelessness in New England (no link available)
February 2023
- Providence Business News | February 22 | 2 R.I. Nonprofits Advocating for Affordable Housing to Receive $315K in Grants
- News Center Maine | February 20 | Jackie Mundry | Maine to Get $300,000 for Aging Research
- MassNonprofitNews | February 20 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $690,000 to Organizations Addressing Homelessness
- Conway Daily Sun | February 15 | NAMI NH Receives $200k Donation to Help Those Affected by Mental Illness, Suicide
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | February 15 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $690,000 to Organizations Addressing Homelessness in New England
- State House News Service | February 13 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $690,000 to Organizations Addressing Homelessness in New England (subscription required)
- HousingWorksRI | February 9 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $690,000 to Organizations Addressing Homelessness in New England; Funding Advances Housing Security in Conn., Mass. and R.I.
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | February 3 | Point32Health Foundation Grants $99,000 to Support Healthy Aging for Older Adults with Vision Loss (no link available)
- Boston Globe | February 1 | Samantha J. Gross and Taylor Dolven | Dangerous Intersections and Roads in Boston and Springfield About to Get Multimillion-Dollar Upgrades (subscription required for full article)
January 2023
- MassNonprofitNews | January 30 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $99,000 to the Mass. Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- UMass Lowell | January 25 | Katharine Webster | City and UML Partner on Making Lowell ‘Age-Friendly’
- The Berlin Sun | January 25 | NAMI NH Receives $200k Donation to Help Those Affected by Mental Illness, Suicide
- New Hampshire Union Leader | January 13 | Roberta Baker | Adult Day Care – A Respite and a Life-Changer
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | January 6 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $700,000 to New England Food Banks (no link available)
- MassNonprofitNews | January 4 | Point32Health Foundation Provides Grants Totaling $1 Million to Advance Social and Racial Equity
December 2022
- Providence Business News | December 25 | Claudia Chiappa | Rhode Island Community Food Bank receives $100K grant from Point32Health [Foundation] (subscription required for full article)
- Meridan Record Journal | December 22 | Jessica Simms | Health Foundation Donates $100,000 to CT Foodshare in Wallingford
- MassNonprofitNews | December 22 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $700,000 to New England Food Banks
- Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island | December 20 | Point32Health Provides $700,000 to New England Food Banks; Giving Tuesday Contributions Total Over $800,000
- WWLP.com | December 19 | Ashley Shook | Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Awarded $100,000 for Emergency Response Efforts
- State House News Service | December 16 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $700,000 to New England Food Banks (subscription required)
- What’s Up Newport | December 16 | Ryan Belmore | Point32Health Foundation awards $100,000 to Rhode Island Community Food Bank
- El Planeta | December 16 | Point32Health Foundation Otorga $700 mil a Siete Bancos de Alimentos en la Región
October 2022
- State House News Service | October 18 | Thrive Support & Advocacy, WPI Join to Address Food Insecurity (subscription required)
- Spectrum News 1 | October 17 | New ‘Flourish at Thrive’ Food Pantry Looks to Address Food Insecurity
- Worcester Patch | October 17 | Neal McNamara | New Worcester Food Pantry Opens For Youth, Adults With Disabilities
- AHIP | October 12 | Health Insurance Providers Actions Concerning Natural Disasters
September 2022
- Healthcare News | September 20 | Baker-Polito Administration Celebrates Five Years of Accomplishments of the Governor’s Council to Address Aging in Massachusetts
- Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship: Movers, Shakers and Impact Makers | September 18 | Point32Health Foundation Recently Announced 10 New Grants
- Littleton Regional Healthcare | September 17 | Anne Bureau, Dodi Swope and Eve Gilmore | Mobile Health Clinic to Roll Out Across Coos and Grafton Counties to Increase Access to Quality Health Care
- Worcester Telegram and Gazette | September 17 | Anne Bureau, Dodi Swope and Eve Gilmore | United Way of Central Massachusetts, Worcester Nonprofits Step Up During Formula Crisis
- Granite North Television | September 16 | Mobile Health Clinic to Roll Out Across Coos and Grafton Counties to Increase Access to Quality Health Care
- Grantmakers in Health | September 16 | Christina Mathews, Point32Health Foundation
- New Hampshire Bulletin | September 16 | Annmarie Timmons | Mobile Health Clinic Will Travel the North Country
- The Telegraph | September 16 | Thomas Caldwell | Mobile Health Clinic to Serve Northern N.H.
- InDepthNH | September 16 | Thomas P. Caldwell | Mobile Health Clinic to Serve Northern N.H.
- Caledonian Record | September 16 | First-Of-Its-Kind Mobile Health Clinic Debuts To Serve Region
- The Berlin Sun | September 12 | Mobile Health Clinic to Roll Out In Coos and Grafton Counties (subscription required)
- Conway Daily Sun | September 12 | Mobile Health Clinic to Roll Out In Coos and Grafton Counties (subscription required)
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | September 8 | 10 Community Organizations Receive Grants From Point32Health Foundation
August 2022
- Inside Philanthropy | August 24 | Wendy Paris | New Funding for Old Age: Grantmakers In Aging Shares New Growth (subscription required)
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | August 19 | Point32Health Foundation Commits $1 Million to Organizations Working on Social and Racial Equity (no link available)
- Maine Philanthropy Center | August 17 | Sector Event: Point32Health Foundation – Findings from Community Engagement
- Grantmakers in Health | August 17 | Letter to President Biden Offers Support and Recommendations for the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health
- Alliance for Healthy Aging | August 16 | Point32Health Foundation Reports On Community Priorities (no link available)
- MassNonprofitNews | August 14 | Point32Health Foundation Provides Grants Totaling $1 Million to Advance Social and Racial Equity
- Providence Business News | August 12 | Point32Health Foundation to Award 3 R.I. Groups Total of $125K in Grants
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | August 10 |Point32 Health Foundation Reporting on Community Priorities and Strategic Plan Development
- Monadnock Ledger-Transcript | August 10 | Josh Lacaillde | Scott Farrar Hosts Fundraiser to Benefit Western New Hampshire Walk to End Alzheimer’s (subscription required)
- News TImes | August 9 | Trevor Ballantyne | Danbury Foundation Takes Lessons Learned during COVID to Support Local Immigrant Community (subscription required)
- Providence Business News | August 7 | Elizabeth Graham | Point32Health Foundation to Award 3 R.I. Groups Total of $125K in Grants
- 6Park.News/Maine | August 4 | Point32Health Foundation Commits $1 Million to Organizations Working on Racial and Social Justice
- Yahoo Finance | August 4 | Point32Health Foundation Commits $1 Million to Organizations Working on Racial and Social Justice
- PR Newswire | August 4 | Point32Health Foundation Commits $1 Million to Organizations Working on Racial and Social Justice
July 2022
- New Hampshire Business Review | July 28 | About Town: Volunteered Last Month at Girls at Work Inc. as Part of Volunteer Week (no link available)
- Aging Services Network News | July 15 | Point32Health Named to The Civic 50 and Nora Moreno Cargie Recognized by NCOA (no link available)
- Boston College Center for Corporate Citizenship | July 12 | Point32Health Foundation President Nora Moreno Cargie Honored by National Council on Aging
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | July 8 | Point32Health Recognized as One of the 50 Most Community-Minded Companies in the Country (no link available)
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | July 8 | Point32Health Foundation President Nora Moreno Cargie Honored by National Council on Aging (no link available)
- Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island | July 6 | Point32Health Employees Invest over 3,000 Hours of Service in Volunteer Week
June 2022
- Maine Philanthropy Center | June 30 | Point32Health Recognized as One of the 50 Most Community-Minded Companies in the Country
- Council Connection | June 30 | Our New Board Members (no link available)
- Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island | June 28 | GCRI Members Cox, CVS Health, Point32Health as CIvic 50
- Westfield News (MassLive.com) | June 24 | Volunteers Plant along Rail Trail to Add Beauty, Biodiversity (no link available)
- Stoneham Independent | June 22 | Volunteers from Point32Health (no link available)
- Manchester Hippo | June 17 | Volunteers Helping Kids (no link available)
- WFMZ | June 16 | Point32Health Recognized as one of the 50 Most Community-Minded Companies in the Country
- Points of Light | June 16 | Points of Light Announces 2021 Honorees of The Civic 50
- Points of Light | June 16 | The Civic 50 Honorees
- Manchester Ink Link | June 15 | Volunteers Help Girls at Work Inc. with Gardens and Workshops
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | June 9 | Point32Health Foundation Released Corporate Citizenship Report (no link available)
- Mass.gov | June 8 | ReiMAgine Aging: Planning Together to Create an Age-Friendly Future for Massachusetts
- Mass.gov | June 8 | Age-Friendly Massachusetts
- NCOA | June 6 | NCOA Recognizes Exceptional Service for Older Adults
- Keene Sentinel | June 4 | Olivia Belanger | Cheshire County has the highest rate of dementia in NH. What locals are doing to help.
- Maine Philanthropy Center | June 2 | Point32Health Shares Corporate Citizenship Report: Creating a Shared Future
May 2022
- AARP | May | Age-Friendly Salem, Massachusetts
- Eureka Alert! | May 4 | New Educational Video from Reframing Aging Initiative Advances Solutions for Talking about Aging
- Fairfield County Business Journal | May 2 | Justin McGown | Point32Health Foundation Helps FEED Center: What You Need to Know
April 2022
- The New Bedford Light | April 20 | Devin Byrnes, New Bedford’s Soup Man, on Starting Out, Weathering COVID-19, and Paying it Forward
- SouthCoast Today | April 15 | Coastal Foodshed Brings Fresh Produce to New Bedford in a SNAP
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | April 15 | Point32Health Foundation Awards $270,000 to Three Mobile Farmers’ Markets in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Hampshire (no link available)
- Council of Churches of Greater Bridgeport | April 15 | FEED Center Awarded $90,000 Grant (no link available)
- MassMobility | April 14 | Foundation Grants Support Older Adult Involvement in Transportation Advocacy
- MassNonprofitNews | April 7 | Coastal Foodshed Gets $90K to Bring Healthy Food to SE Mass.
- AARP | April | Enabling Age-Friendly Connections in Mount Washington Valley, New Hampshire
- Eureka Alert! | April 4 | Reframing Aging Initiative Releases Guide to Advance Inclusive Language about Aging
March 2022
- New Hampshire Business Review | March 22 | The Point32Health Foundation Has Awarded a Three-Year, $95,000 Grant to Concord-based NH Legal Assistance (no link available)
- Merrimack Valley Magazine | March 19 | Lily Hartman | New Project Explores Healthy Aging in the Lowell Community
- CarriageTowneNews | March 10 | Hampstead Age Friendly Community Survey
- UMass Gerontology Institute Blog | March 8 | Gerontology Team to Develop, Pilot Reframing Aging Curriculum with UMass Boston Students
February 2022
- MassNonprofitNews | February 27 | The BASE Awarded $200K to Advance Health and Wellness
- WWLP 22 | February 18 | “SNAP Gap” Progress Spurs Calls for Benefits Common App
- Philanthropy Massachusetts | February 18 | Point32Health Foundation Awards More Than $1.1 Million to 10 Community Organizations (no link available)
- Lynn Journal | February 16 | GLSS and Catholic Charities Sign Lease to Operate a Food Pantry as Part of Phoenix Food Hub
- Endowment for Health News Roundup | February 16 | Two Health Foundations Combine; Award $1.1 Million in Grants (no link available)
- 7News Boston | February 17 | Application Change Would Link MassHealth Enrollees to Food Aid
- New Hampshire Alliance for Healthy Aging | February 15 | Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation and Tufts Health Plan Foundation Have Joined Forces; Now Point32Health Foundation (no link available)
- MassNonprofitNews | February 11 | Point32Health Foundation Gives $685K to Six Mass. Nonprofits
- Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island | February 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards More Than $1.1 Million to 10 Community Organizations
- Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative | February 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards More Than $1.1 Million to 10 Community Organizations
- WalkBoston | February 10 | WalkBoston Receives $165,000 Grant from Point32Health Foundation
- State House News | February 10 | Point32Health Foundation Awards More Than $1.1 Million to 10 Community Organizations (no link available)
- Health Affairs | February 7 | Racism and Health: Efforts By Funders To Address the Issue
- The Nashua Telegraph | February 5 | Girls Inc. of N.H. Teams Up with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (subscription required)
January 2022
- Danbury’s Hamlet Hub | January 27 | Age Well Community Council Refines 2022 Focus
- Hamden Patch | January 25 | Hamden Student Group Receives Funds On MLK Day
- New Hampshire Business Review | January 25 | Girls at Work in Manchester Presented with $5,000 Grant from Point32Health
- Manchester Ink Link | January 10 | Girls at Work to Receive MLK Honor and Recognition During Jan. 13 Virtual Event
- The Salem News | January 7 | Dominic Pangalo and Patricia Zaido | Column: Salem for All Ages–Same Name, New Initiatives